A beautiful, loving, selfless and caring man.

Created by Robert 3 years ago

What to say of a man of such humanity, commitment, passion and beauty? Whether it was his vision to turn a local eyesore into a stunning community garden, or to plant 80 plus trees in the "Gardens", or to petition Haringey to stop the traffic clogging our streets and lungs, or to engage with all new arrivals (whether from Hackney or Diyarbakir). Andy was always front and centre. I've searched, in vain, for my favourite photo of us all (adults and kids) clearing the rubbish from what was to rise from the rubble to be the glorious GRA Community Garden (LET'S ASK COUNCIL TO RENAME IT AS THE "ANDY NEWMAN" COMMUNITY GARDEN). Ah, the chess club, the carol singing, the movie nights .... and all the great ideas that Andy and Karen promoted at our GRA meetings .... And they always came to fruition.

Andy!!! You will be missed by so many, loved by so many ... taken far too early ....

BUT a life well lived .... A LIFE WELL LIVED!!!!!!!!

With love and admiration, Robert Power (Stanhope Gardens 2000-2005) ... Melbourne, Oz since then XXXXXXXXXX